Welcome to the New York State Education and Training Voucher Program

The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program of New York State is designed to help youth who are currently or were in foster care pay for post-secondary education or training by awarding students up to $5,000 a year for qualified school related expenses. 

We are currently accepting applications

for the award year

Fall 2024 - Summer 2025


The ETV program age limit has been extended so students may now qualify until their 26th birthday. All other eligibility requirements remain the same.

Previous ETV recipients who are 23 through 26 years of age and are currently enrolled in a post-secondary school may submit an application. Other eligibility requirements will still be considered when applications are processed.

Effective February 1, 2024

If you are a student interested in beginning the application process:

Please email admin@etv-nys.com with questions about the ETV program or application process. 

Downloadable summaries of our program and eligibility information are available here in English and Spanish language versions.

ETV Program

Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students who have demonstrated the need for financial assistance. Applicants must complete the ETV application process, including requesting that their school submit enrollment, financial, and academic record verifications when directed. 

Students must re-apply for new funding each academic year, starting on July 1st. New applications are accepted throughout the year, with award disbursements scheduled based on the date an application is considered complete by the ETV Administrator.

Students may qualify to access ETV funding for up to five years total (consecutive or intermittent). ETV funding must begin before their 21st birthday and ends at their 26th birthday. 

ETV applicants must first complete and submit their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa) each year before applying for ETV funding.

If you are an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM), please contact us for additional guidance at admin@etv-nys.com.

ETV Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for ETV funding, students must:

  • be accepted or enrolled in a school that qualifies for Title IV of the Higher Education Act; and
  • demonstrate progress towards completion of their program

The student must be enrolled in:

  • an educational program where the institution awards a degree; or
  • a school which awards a certificate for an educational training program that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized profession

Qualifying foster care youth include:

  • A current foster care youth, including persons in need of supervision (PINS) and those who are in the custody of the juvenile justice system
  • A former foster care youth who has not yet attained the age of 21 years and who is eligible for services under the Chafee Foster Care Independent Program
  • A youth adopted from U.S. foster care or who entered KinGAP at age 16 or older
  • A youth who left U.S. foster care at age 14 or older, not including youth discharged to adoption or KinGAP
  • A youth who is currently in the custody of the Office of Children and Family Services and placed in a non-secure or voluntary agency (Title IV-E facility)
  • A youth who is currently in the custody of the Office of Children and Family Services on aftercare status or receiving services in an Evening Reporting Center (ERC) and has been placed in a non-secure or voluntary agency (Title IV-E facility)


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